_v3.4.2 - Get image in front invoice even on disabled products - Improved compatibility with some themes - Fix backup of multiple orders select was backuping only one - Possibility to set packing slip paper format v3.4.1 - Fix incorrect pdf output in case of some specific custom fields defined v3.4.0 - Dedicated correction invoice and number - Get product name in correct language when forcing invoice/slip language - Fix "no such file or directory" on packing slip backup v3.3.0 - Possibility to backup the packing slip - Fix footer on multiple orders output was the same for all - Fix total weight calculation with options in packing slip v3.2.3 - New option to set footer only on last page - Does not fail to generate pdf if barcode type is not with good data - Restored manufacturer column - Handle UPC-A barcode even if input is incorrect - Added access restriction to backup folder - Show warning when no htaccess file in backup folder - Compatibility with Webp Image module - Fix Chinese and Arabic chars were not correctly displayed in new library - Fix cache folder not writeable - Fix issue customer/customer_group on OC 2.0 v3.2.2 - Fix undefined index footer - Fix issue with non numeric barcodes v3.2.1 - Sort product options alphabetically - Fix some notices v3.2.0 - Compatibility with background mail queue - New column to display attributes - Updated dutch language file - Fix undefined variable order_id when enabling auto generate invoice number on some OC versions v3.1.2 - Added {order_history} tag - Added new option in custom blocks to not display the content in a panel v3.1.1 - Fix error appearing with some specific custom fields - Change default address order to put company on top - Fix images not loading on substore on some servers - New option to choose a template for each customer group - New option to auto update order date when generating invoice number - Compatibility with xpayment - Improved compatibility with custom modules - Detect if payment/shipping method is image, and display it if tag is complete - Journal 3 theme patch - Fix undefined custom_field_model in some case in multistore context v3.1.0 - Fix undefined name in custom blocks selector - Fix undefined variable temp_pdf - Fix error message when using some order entry systems - Fix error on return history - Add option to select packing slip thumb size - Barcode/QRCode column now available also for invoice - Storno invoice - Edit invoice number on OC3 v3.0.9 - Better handling of date format - Fix order number manager compatibility v3.0.8 - Add custom field handling in address format - Added swedish translation - Add price to return form - Fix force language on OC 2.3 v3.0.7 - Fix issue when generating pdf on PHP 7.1 - Fix pdf buttons not appearing on some OC versions - Fix watermark not appearing on some servers v3.0.6 - Fix image display on some specific configuration - Fix {total_words} tag not working on OC 2.3+ - Fix undefined display_errors v3.0.5 - Fix missing icons on oc 2.0 v3.0.4 - Fix file option not correctly displayed - Compatibility with PHP 7.1 - Fix instruction message not displayed in pdf v3.0.3 - Fix issue with force language on oc 2.3 - Compatibility with fastor themes on OC 3 - Fix language not loaded on OC 3 v3.0.2 - Sort custom fields based on their sort order - Fix undefined index order v3.0.1 - Fix syntax error on order list - Align right column headers in model 3 v3.0.0 - Compatibility with OC 3.x - Removed email copy for admin (cause too many incompatibilities) - Fix missing vouchers in pdf v2.9.13 - Added footer custom block position - Fix getBackupPath error v2.9.12 - Do not send invoice on checked statuses if "only with invoice number" enabled and no invoice number - Fix notice when using backup on generate invoice number v2.9.11 - Tag for account custom fields - Fix shipping custom field v2.9.10 - Add barcode column for products - Fix issue when editing order v2.9.9 - Fix shipping label with force language enabled on OC 2.3 - Fix error when edit order in admin - Fix error getBackupPath v2.9.8 - Fix logo not displayed in invoice on some configurations - Fix issues when image in payment or shipping method - Fix open in new tab mode - Fix incorrect total_weight with mixed weight classes - Better performance with backup active v2.9.7 - Fix issue on checkout with order entry system - New tag available {order_history_comment} v2.9.6 - Better interface design - New options in custom blocks v2.9.5 - Error with custom fields on some OC versions - Fix 504 error when using https on some servers - Auto-detect if image is not able to display and use other method v2.9.4 - Add option to generate due date when generating invoice number - Fix Missing argument 2 for Template::render() on some themes v2.9.3 - Fixed invoice number editor on OC 2.2+ - Added location column for invoice v2.9.2 - Fix generate issue OC 2.3 - Added price column for packing slip v2.9.1 - Fix error on checkout with journal 2.7.x and OC 2.3 v2.9.0 - OC 2.3 compatibility v2.8.9 - Added full invoice number (with prefix) for barcode/qrcode v2.8.8 - Fixed language of invoice on OC 2.2 v2.8.7 - Added customer phone in packing slip model 1 - Fixed multiple invoice not displayed correctly on OC 2.2 - Fixed watermark display on multiple invoices v2.8.6 - New feature: choose how to display pdf (download, display) - New feature: set a watermark in pdf background - Fix tag displayed when empty v2.8.5 - Added button to generate pdf invoice in order list v2.8.4 - Fix error with customer custom fields on OC 2.2 v2.8.3 - New column: description - Fixed multistore image issues v2.8.2 - Pdf not attached on OC v2.2 v2.8.1 - Custom fields now displayed with defined sort order - Fixes for OC v2.2 v2.8.0 - Added MPN and ISBN to columns and product name options v2.7.9 - Fixed issues on ocmod version v2.7.8 - Fixed logo on substores - Fixed logo not displayed on some servers - Fixed error message on order status change v2.7.7 - Compatibility OC 2.2 - Fixed not working date format - Better support on old mijoshop v2.7.6 - Fixed pdf not attached on order status v2.7.5 - Added pdf generator for returns v2.7.4 - Fixed display on mijoshop with OC v1.5 - Fixed image not found in some cases v2.7.3 - Fixed big footer overlaps content - Fixed tax rate rounding to unit - Fix images on https v2.7.2 - Fixed logo sometimes not displayed in multi-store - Fixed multi-store configuration tabs not accessible v2.7.1 - Option to display user comment (invoice and packing slip) - Display packing slip summary (total item and weight) v2.7.0 - It is now possible to use localized date format - Fixed history not appearing on v1.5.6 - Fix error on 2.1 when using custom fields v2.6 [feature] Compatibility with mijoshop 3 [feature] barcode [feature] (2.6.1) QRcode [fix] (2.6.2) Removed user comment from invoice (legal threat) [feature] (2.6.2) HTML footer [feature] (2.6.3) Show tracking from quick order status updater [fix] (2.6.3) theme patches compatible with v2 [fix] (2.6.3) force language on v2 [fix] (2.6.4) better display of error in case of uncomplete libraries [fix] (2.6.4) adress custom fields on v2 [fix] (2.6.4) do not load library if already loaded [fix] (2.6.5) Notices from last update [fix] (2.6.6) Block filter on order comment [fix] (2.6.6) Blank page when calling pdf on some installations [feature] (2.6.7) added sku to columns [feature] (2.6.7) Openbay support [fix] (2.6.7) error on order update if product deleted [feature] (2.6.8) upc and ean as column or in product options [feature] (2.6.9) OC v2.1 compatibility [fix] (2.6.10) duplicate backup file from 2.6.8 [fix] (2.6.11) multistore error on OC 2.1 [fix] (2.6.12) order info page on OC 2.1 v2.5 [feature] Tags for custom blocks [fix] (2.5.1) error on OC 1.5.6 since last update [fix] (2.5.2) various minor fixes [fix] (2.5.3) {total} tag is now formatted value [fix] (2.5.4) missing shipping and payment in force language [fix] (2.5.4) decimal_point in weight [fix] (2.5.4) division by 0 error if product price = 0 v2.4 [feature] Compatibility with opencart v2.0 [feature] one version to rule them all : only one version of the module for 1.5.x to 2.0.x [feature] improved attach invoice on status update [feature] (2.4.1) fixed compatibility with status email template [feature] (2.4.2) fixed error when languages with full locale (fr-Fr) [feature] (2.4.5) new columns product id and upc [fix] (2.4.5) quantity in product name [fix] (2.4.6) missing logo over https [fix] (2.4.7) error with tax invoice enabled [fix] (2.4.8) error on order update on OC 2.x [fix] (2.4.9) error when using quotes in status name [fix] (2.4.10) page format [feature] (2.4.10) new page formats [fix] (2.4.11) notice on constant OC_V2 [fix] (2.4.12) pdf not attached on OC v2 [fix] (2.4.13) notice on OC v2 when using force language [feature] (2.4.14) use {total_words} tag to get the total sum in words (must have libraries v1.2) v2.3 [feature] manual backup [fix] compatibility with old vqmod versions [feature] sortable columns [feature] new columns [feature] invoice due date editable [feature] new block filters : shipping method and geo zone [fix] (2.3.1) notice on date_invoice on first install [fix] (2.3.1) mijoshop language handling [fix] (2.3.2) date format on mijoshop [fix] (2.3.3) various bugs on mijoshop [feature] (2.3.4) new invoice columns [fix] (2.3.5) correct tax rate amount v2.2 [feature] multi-stores custom parameters support [feature] manual invoice number [feature] chinese, japanese, korean languages support [feature] dutch and german translation (thanks John) [fix] language for admin field not saved [fix] untranslated messages when updating order status [feature] proforma or invoice display [fix] (2.2.1) files vqmodables [fix] (2.2.2) display pdf even if character encoding is not utf8 [fix] (2.2.2) display images over https [fix] (2.2.3) image display on some host restrictions [fix] (2.2.4) better compatibility [fix] (2.2.4) strip tags in totals [fix] (2.2.6) notice HTTP_IMAGE and HTTP_CATALOGbr />[fix] (2.2.8) Company/VAT multi-store v2.1 [feature] choose backup generation moment [feature] Invoice for admin [feature] Customer number [feature] Packing slip [fix] better resolution on images [fix] unexpected t_function error on php version < 5.3 [feature] theme integration for shoppica2 [fix] some template corrections [fix] (2.1.1) folder restructuration, solve problems on some hosts [fix] (2.1.1) language file not loaded on oc1.5.4 [fix] (2.1.1) product image on packing slip not displayed [fix] (2.1.2) Better compatibility for sending pdf to admin [fix] (2.1.3) Compatibility with email status template extension [fix] (2.1.3) Attach pdf on status update also from front office [fix] (2.1.3) fixed customer_group_id notice [fix] (2.1.4) image resolution for backup [fix] (2.1.4) errors generating pdf on some payment methods [feature] (2.1.4) company ID [feature] (2.1.5) new template [feature] (2.1.6) copy order confirm mail for admin [fix] (2.1.7) theme xml compatibility with old vqmod versions v2.0 [feature] template selector and custom templates [feature] color selectors [feature] easier management of languages [feature] column selector [feature] show quantity in product name [feature] price with tax option [feature] Powerful custom blocks [feature] footer [feature] due date [feature] correct install checks [fix] (2.0.1) include error on some configurations [fix] (2.0.2) model-01 template columns align [fix] (2.0.3) some bugs on oc1.5.1 v1.6 [feature] changed pdf library [feature] drastically reduced pdf weight [feature] simplified template [feature] right-to-left languages support (Arabic, Hebrew, ...) [fix] (1.6.1) notice on admin [fix] (1.6.2) unformatted backlines for address in front-end [fix] (1.6.2) correct align on invoice [fix] (1.6.2) page margin [fix] (1.6.2) better error handling v1.5 [feature] store VAT number [feature] customer company ID / VAT ID management [fix] backup function [fix] (1.5.1) pdf attachment in mail on some host [fix] (1.5.1) notice in admin [fix] (1.5.1) js alert in admin orders [feature] (1.5.2) download invoice list in admin orders [fix] (1.5.3) manage images in template [feature] (1.5.4) custom logo [fix] (1.5.5) better compatibility with older vqmod versions [fix] (1.5.6) fixed attach with notify on OC 1.5.1.x [fix] (1.5.6) comment block v1.4 [feature] backup function [feature] paper size selection [feature] attach invoice on status update [feature] shortcut in extension menu [feature] better design [fix] improved compatibility v1.3 [feature] auto generate invoice number [feature] improved admin section [feature] display invoice in pdf template [feature] fine tunning of filename output [fix] (1.3.1) compatibility with 1.5.1.x to 1.5.4.x [fix] (1.3.1) better utf-8 support v1.2 [feature] generate pdf invoice from admin [feature] option to enable download only if invoice number is set [feature] display invoice number in pdf template [fix] (1.2.1) session error in admin [fix] (1.2.2) icons order and display in some browsers [fix] (1.2.2) displayed link in order detail [fix] (1.2.3) notice in admin template [fix] (1.2.4) curious error on some php versions with single quotes on var [fix] (1.2.4) wysiwig editor on v1.5.x [feature] (1.2.5) custom template [feature] (1.2.5) easier custom theme implementation v1.1 [feature] wysiwyg editor for custom text block [feature] choose icon in admin [fix] (1.1.2) notices on order view [update] (1.1.3) better invoice template v1.0 First release