v5.7.0 - Compatibility with OC 4.x - Improved opengraph data - Possibility to mass update only current category v5.6.3 - Added selectable columns for category editor - Possibility to use {currency} in product meta title v5.6.2 - Fix redirection with extended utf-8 in parameters - Fix undefined index seo_keyword v5.6.1 - Handle redirection which is the same in multiple languages - Compatibility with nitro cache that was adding noindex on categories - Improved dynamic redirection with categories v5.6.0 - Possibility to set additional image name - Multistore product name now appearing in journal 3 categories - Improved language tag detection - Sitemap cache now also cache index - New option to disable counters in sitemap index v5.5.7 - Handle multistore language manager to hide corresponding languages - Compatibility with Simple Blog and improved general compatibility - Fix rare issue of url backup redirecting to wrong language v5.5.6 - Multistore SEO Editor: show original name in case it is missing from substore data - Fix language change issue with function URL Preload enabled - Fix seo pagination on tags v5.5.5 - 404 manager is now logging also the referer - Auto links improved compatibility with utf-8 language - Fix url preload not working with url with special chars - Add new path manager mode to get first category - Fix multistore mode mass udpate not saving values in some cases v5.5.4 - Auto URL Backup is now also redirecting products even with extra parameters in the url - Improved compatibility with other modules v5.5.3 - Fix sitemap not showing on some chrome browsers v5.5.2 - Handles incorrect defined parent categories - Improved url preload - Removed inline style from manufacturer description - Upgrade from pack pro now transfers also manufacturer data - Fix manufacturer mass generator not inserting value in case it was not existent already - Rich snippets: display store image in case store logo is not defined - Fix Undefined index: query v5.5.1 - Fix but from 5.4.6 SEO Editor was showing only one language v5.5.0 - New feature: URL Preload to improve performance on big stores - Upcase, lowcase, ucfirst transformators now working with accentuated chars - Fix sitemap lang issue on specific configurations - Avoid duplicate headings v5.4.6 - Fix friendly urls on old OC versions - SEO Editor reload of data now remains on same page - Canonical parameter in product form was not active on OC 2.x v5.4.5 - Added SEO H1, H2, H3 inside SEO Editor - Updated rich snippet brand for new google format v5.4.4 - Events where not triggered on common page urls - Fix gtag script appearing in some cases - Fix [parent] and [grandparent] not working when creating new product v5.4.3 - Fix multilingual seo manufacturer name not displayed in product - limit parameter not rewritten when dynamic url - New google rules: add hreflang x-default on all pages - Do not return 404 if last url part is correct - Do not apply path manager max level to breadcrumbs v5.4.2 - Compatibility with PHP 8 - Improved auto-links - Fix issue on rights sometimes happening on sitemap - Retrun 404 when url contains index.php/ v5.4.1 - Param urls is now working in more situations - Fix manufacturer search in SEO Editor - Handle alt and title on journal 3 product images - Sitemap cache can be generate by cron - Fix compatibility with basel theme v5.4.0 - New Google Analytics 4 implementation - Compatibility with latest SQL version - Improved compatibility with OCstore - Fix undefined _route_ on category v5.3.1 - Fix sitemap not showing correct page after page 10 - Facebook og:description now use meta description, or full desc if meta is empty - Fix notices on module options - Fix manufacturer urls not saved on OC 2.3 - Fix manufacturer canonical pagination parameter - Robots noindex if extra params on product url - New tag for meta title {price} which is dynamic v5.3.0 - New feature: Auto-Links - New option to choose where to display the seo h1, h2, h3 v5.2.1 - Fix error appearing on joocart - New feature: generate internal links - Fix infinite redirection on canonical redirect with '&' char inside url - Fix could not load model affiliate/affiliate - Correct manufacturer description position in journal 3 when using different title position - Display again current tab when saving options v5.2.0 - Load more than 20 product reviews in rich snippets - Fix google tag manager displaying warning because of duplicate initialisation - Better compatibility of google tag manager with Journal - Fix enhanced ecommerce tracking was not showing quantity - Added backup setting function v5.1.9 - Added rich snippet rating on category - Set analytics code to header to avoid issues with journal v5.1.8 - Fix sitemap list in admin - Handle sitemap urls when adding language tag before sitemap - Display multistore data in SEO Editor even if no entry is set already v5.1.7 - Compatibility with News/Blog module - Fix languages go back to default on non-rewritten pages on certain confiugrations - Fix issue with sitemap on page 10 and more - Fix issue with sitemap when language tag is inserted before sitemap url v5.1.6 - Fix SEO Editor search not finding in name column - Sitemap exclude links also works for journal - Set the analytics script async to improve performance - Compatibility with tmdblog - Compatibility with special offer page - Fix mass update not showing old value in some specific cases of product import in multistore mode - Added a warning for ocStore to inform to set default seo engine v5.1.5 - Fix incorrect product url in rich snippet in case of remove of last breacrumb - Fix some keywords not correctly deleted before insert v5 and OC 2.x v5.1.4 - Bug introduced in latest update appearing in OC 2.x v5.1.3 - Fix issue when putting slash in seo search v5.1.2 - Fix journal blog urls - Possibility to disable sitemap language based feeds v5.1.1 - Seo canonical was not possible to set back to auto - Possibility to place the menu shortcut to top menu - Auto URL Backup also works in SEO Editor - Fix notice Undefined index: product_id in checkout cart when enhanced analytics enabled v5.1.0 - New feature: Auto URL Backup ! - Dynamic url redirect now works also if only the product keyword is saved, no need of full path v5.0.1 - Possibility to choose where to place the module shortcut v5.0.0 - New option to choose the exact product canonical path - Fix manufacturer description not displayed fine - Rich snippet status selector was working only for special price, now works also for normal price - Fix rich snippet availability not recognized by google - Better display of line returns into seo editor - Url redirection can now handle multilingual - New option to include facebook pixel - Added facebook opengraph category - Absolute url now works also in SSL mode - Avoid notice in opengraph in case of empty category - Fix [price] tag not transformed when no corresponding special group assigned - Fix journal3 blog issue with redirect to canonical option - If multistore seo is disabled display main store seo data - Fix grid sitemap was not showing all products - Fix auto rename image name was generating missing images if assigned to additional images - Fix empty [category] or [desc] tag when using some import tool - Fix incorrect number of generated related - Remove duplicate commas in tag generation - New option to also auto insert description - Improved auto-insert auto-edit - Compatibility with multilingual logo extensions - Fix category sitemap not corresponding to canonical if selecting full path mode - Prevent duplicate entry issue when copying product - Ampersand (&) is now stripped from safe url too - When not using multistore mode mass update will generate values for all products - Fix undefined index description in some cases on categories and informations - Improved upgrade from SEO Backpack - Fix multistore sometimes displaying default url - Do not remove space after commas in mass udpate - Fix additional images sometimes broken when mass updating image name - Fix seo search not returning results in some cases - Better menu display on small screens - Fix incorrect pagination in SEO Editor on some opencart versions - Fix image renaming not working when changing main image product - Fix wrong redirection when using redirect to canonical with some special chars in url parameters - Fix full category path not working with some themes menu - Fix incorrect hreflang domain in sitemap when using domain based language tag - Common and special pages can now be set specifically for multistore - New Feature: Google Enhanced eCommerce Tracking - Possibility to set journal3 blog tags urls, use Param URL > journal_blog_tag=tag - Fix Path Manager banned cats was working only for subcategories - Fix journal 2 duplicate hreflang or rich snippets - New option to hide/show specific columns in product SEO Editor - Minor fixes in sitemap - Possibility to filter categories in mass update - Extended meta robots settings v4.4.9 - Fixed issue with common page urls with slash in recent version - Fix missing description editor in manufacturer - Fix missing language flag in manafacturer - Improved friendly search urls - Improved friendly tag urls - Fix issues in SEO editor manufacturers - Display manufacturer description for journal2 twig version - New option to not save not found url based on extension - Fix redirection to www when using cron scripts - Added migration tool from iSense seo backpack v4.4.8 - Fix "can't use return value in write context" - Fix sitemap uncorrect lastmod date - Fix friendly sorting in product special page - Added journal 3 blog section in sitemap - New option to handle extended rich snippet availability - Fix manufacturer seo keyword not saved on OC 2.0.x - Fix banned categories not displaying fine on OC 3 - Redirect not found page to search is now returning 404 code v4.4.7 - Fix "a non-numeric value encountered in advanced_sitemap.php" - Sort categories by name in mass update selector - OC3 with multistores and multistore mode disabled: now use default store url - Fix undefined index: order - Sitemap now display correct product sitemap lastmod date - Fixed sitemap not correctly displayed on some OC3 configurations v4.4.6 - Absolute urls now can handle extra parameters using the wildcard * - Add tags for mass update with any manufacturer data - Get real lastmod date for products and categories in sitemap - New option to filter product category in mass update - Always display offer rich snippet - Fix tag as domain default store - Add option to disable other links in tas as domain mode v4.4.5 - Added some missing translitteration characters for vietnamese - Fix redirect to canonical not working with categories - Fix multi-store manfucturer - Fix SEO Editor search in sub-store - Fix URL clean-up reporting duplicates in multi-store mode v4.4.4 - Handle journal3 blog entries in sitemap - Fix undefined index keyword from last update - New option to select some sentences to replace in seo urls - Fix undefined index date_end - Fix Seo editor manufacturer not displaying values if no seo values generated yet - New option to not apply extension on categories - Fix ajax request not correctly interpreted on some servers v4.4.3 - New options in sitemap to add or exclude urls - Fix seo editor bigger than window size if some values inside are very long - Remove words from url is now case-insensitive - Fix "htmlspecialchars(): charset `UTF-8;' not supported" in sitemap v4.4.2 - Better performance in product sitemap - Better performance with setting "Rewrite product path in categories" - Set cron with multiple parameters - Fix strpos(): Empty needle when using empty parameter in 404 manager - Fix ordering in SEO editor not working correctly since last update - Improved rich snippets to match latest google recommendations v4.4.1 - Compatiblility with OC 1.5.5 - Fix sitemap not saving on internet explorer - Fix seo sorting not working from last update - Do not redirect to canonical when using sorting on search page - Better extension handling v4.4.0 - Full manufacturer seo data multistore and multilanguage - New design of the mass updater - Drag and drop on mass update tags - Added [child] tag for category - New generator for robots.txt - Fix multistore seo data generator in case of more than one substore - SEO Editor now available for sub-stores too - New tags: attr_x opt_x cat_x - Tag functions uppercase, lowercase, ucfirst v4.3.0 - Generate url redirect now generate in relative mode to avoid duplicates - Generate url redirect in sub-stores - Fix cron with specific parameter was also generating the parameters set in admin - Better cron reports, including processed/updated number of items and elapsed time - Fix parameter pagination with canonical always enabled - Fix no flag for default lang not working if default language is different in sub-store - index.html opens homepage v4.2.9 - Better compatibility with some themes and modules with category filters - New option to set a custom language tag, can be useful to distinct zh-cn and zh-hk - If language change is altered by custom module, try to redirect to homepage instead of wrong url - Fix issue "Could not load template driver cache" with some PHP versions - Compatibility Journal 3: search fix, sitemap.xml broken when logged as admin, filters - Display warning if mb_string is not installed - Use non-multibyte functions if mb_string is not installed - Fix duplicate extension on journal 3 - Fix warning with friendly sort enabled and wrong number of parameters - Better compatibility with Mega Filter Pro v4.2.8 - Comptibility with some admin product edit modules - Cron for image alt, image title, related products - Fixed related product mass update issue generating too much related - Remove duplicate comma in tag generate v4.2.7 - Compatibility with Journal 3 - Fix issues with redirect to dynamic links on some installations (burn engine) - Fix format tag option not saved - Make sure to not bypass auto generate related products limit v4.2.6 - Improved cron section, more data types available - New command to update specific cron data - Fix notice when using cron on manufacturer - Fix & in sitemap when not using friendly urls - Fix performance issue on displaying 404 entries in SEO Editor - New option to choose what to do when no language tag is present in url v4.2.5 - Fix bad character in sitemap urls - Fix page not found when using language tag mode with full tag - Sitemap handles correctly languages with same first code part (for example FR-FR & FR-CA) - Do not redirect not found page in case an url have been set for error/not_found - Fix OC3 native bug with pagination - Fix special price not working in quick update mode - Fix error when using multi-store mode without multi-language mode - New options to handle 404 pages and logging - Fix some features not working on OC2.2 (path manager) - Fix redirect to canonical issue on url with encoded chars v4.2.4 - More options in substore settings - Fix undefined function ereg_replace on PHP 7.2 - Better compatibility with mega filter - Fix settings not saved on IE 11 - Improved upgrade from Paladin, now also get common page urls - New option in sitemap to show fullsize images - Generate manufacturer url does not add -1 if absolute url for category is enabled - Compatibility of quick update function with ckeditor - Fix absolute url for category not working in some specific cases - New option to remove product link from breadcrumbs - Better performance to load module options when big number of categories - Fix incorrect page number in multilingual sitemap - Journal: display Complete SEO rich snippets if enabled, else journal ones - Fix substore category name was displaying default one - Fix substore url - Fix 301 redirect not working with special chars - Fix mass generate was using default store pattern for substores - Fix 2 times language change does not change url on some OC versions - Multistore names of categories and information now correctly displayed in menus too - Fix remove all related in seo editor generate error v4.2.3 - Better implementation of multistore values, now works with theme modules too - Fix mass update on information when multistore enabled - Compatibility with seo pagination and mega filter on ocstore - Fix minor issues on OC 1.5 - Fix for journal link to home is not displaying language tag - Quick generate in product edit now takes values from substores too - Mass update for manufacturer on OC 3 - Remove extra params in manaufacturer urls - Fix search url on OC 1.5 - Strip unicode non-breaking spaces from urls - Rewrite sort and limit - Remove words now works also for tags mass update - Remove words now also handles non word characters (like +) - Remove quote when generate tags (because not supported by opencart) v4.2.2 - Added Slovak and Georgian languages for tranlitteration - sitemap with hreflang is now displaying default store language as main location - Fix mass update pattern on substores when generating by cron - Added contextual help for cron - Added ~ to character remove list in urls - Fix default language on not rewritten url in language tag mode - Fix notice when using fix search in OC 3 v4.2.1 - Microdata shows availibility "Out of stock" if product quantity = 0 - Replace comma by dash in urls - Update empty values only works better on empty values only for description (for example when only

it is now considered as empty) - Restore default common page url alias is now applying ascii mode if enabled for corresponding language - Fix analytics code could not be saved in latest update - Fix extension not applied to categories in latest update - Fix incorrect seo urls in sitemap - Updated colorization of meta title and description to match new google limits v4.2.0 - Multistore SEO now display default store info in case of empty data (name, description, etc) - Correct multistore SEO title and meta desc for category and information - Cron now works for multistores too (use store=X parameter) - Fix error on category page on OC 2.1 v4.1.9 - Fix cron file for OC 3 - Fix remove words was removing anywhere - Fix extra slash on domain tag mode hreflangs v4.1.8 - Fix category full path mode canonical on OC 3 - No tag for default mode automatically switch to corresponding language - Support for mega filter seo urls canonicals - [desc] tag now inserts space char to replace line breaks - [desc] tag now gets 220 chars instead of 150 v4.1.7 - Fix performance issue opening product edition when a lot of multistores - Do not include in sitemap products marked as robot no-index - Fix redirect loop on some servers when dynamic redirect enabled - Fix issue on template::render with some themes when rich snippets enabled - Fix [price] not workign on OC 1.5 - Fix search url fix on OC 1.5 - Fix multistore generate description overwrites default description - Added missing fields in product form for OC 1.5 - Fix undefined index when changing language on some servers - Fix rich snippet was using default description in multistore mode - Fix rich snippet phone not correctly displayed in admin - Fix undefined language_id column v4.1.6 - Better compatibility of fix cart url function - Possibility to set multistore parameters even with multistore component disabled - Fix search url for OC 1.5 to 2.0 - Convert slash in url - Slash can be set in remove words function v4.1.5 - Redirect dynamic links also redirects links with _route_ - Fix notice with journal theme for OC 3 - Do not put canonical link on paginated pages > 1 - Fix issue to get data in seo editor with MariaDB v4.1.4 - Fix error message when not using multistore mode on OC 2 - Fix sitemap style not displayed with some themes - Duplicating product with auto-update image name is now updating all products that have this image - Option to enable or disable tag formatting - Image rename in mass update do not fails if inexistant image path v4.1.3 - Fix sitemap style on OC 3 - Fix friendly url issues in case of urls with slash on OC 3 - Generate tags is now adding comma and lowercase - Cart remove fix option is now working on other themes v4.1.2 - Fix extra seo fields not displayed on OC 2.0.x - The remove words from url works better - Remove ! from urls by default - Strip line returns when generating seo urls - Randomization tag now works also when generating all fields at once v4.1.1 - Add option to copy seo data from default store - Fix error on mass update when not using multistore mode - Fix issues on OC 1.5 v4.1.0 - New option to be able to handle search url - New option to be able to fix cart remove issue when url exists for checkout/cart - New option to insert final slash on all urls - Compatibility for bossthemes - Fix add button in 404 urls broken in case of url with special chars - Fix remove chars function not working with some special chars - Fix canonical with absolute urls - Fix error when searching in seo editor > common page - Various minor fixes Note: if you had final slash on categories please set again the setting after this update v4.0.0 - Compatibility with OC 3.x - Handle multistore SEO values - Banned categories now works for top categories too - Fix sorting in SEO Editor - Tag generator now adds a comma between each word - Fix issue with blog manager - Fix "|" not removed from url - Space chars in tags are now replaced by dash - Special chars in tags are now translit to ascii if the option is enabled - Absolute urls now works in multilingual v3.7.8 - New option to disable main image in sitemap - Fix missing products when doing mass update on related products - New feature Absolute Url manager - New options to enable or disable components - Fix notice in admin sitemap - Fix issue with TMB custom tab - Fix parameter for special price group selection not saved - Fix error Array to string conversion in seo_url.php with some 3rd party modules - Fix issue with mega filter aliases - Fix issues with getting next reviews when cache enabled - Fix redirect issue on ocstore - Fix bad redirection on urls with quotes v3.7.7 - Fix error on grid sitemap on some servers - Fix date format on journal sitemap - Fix connect to user account from admin on OC 1.5 when some redirect mode enabled v3.7.6 - Fixed remove words function was removing parts inside words v3.7.5 - Canonical for tag url - New option to remove words from urls (SEO Configuration > Keyword options) v3.7.4 - Better translitteration for bulgarian - Fix update empty values not taking all empty values sometimes - Fix too many redirects on customer login from admin when redirect canonical and dynamic enabled - Duplicate url numbering in simulation mode - Tax in [price] tag correctly calculated if tax is based on payment or store adress instead of shipping - SEO Editor language selector as dropdown if more than 3 languages - OCStore 2.3.x compatibility v3.7.3 - Fix sitemap unrecognized tag thumb when thumbnail enabled - Fix sitemap journal blog date - New options to redirect to SSL or www - Meta robots no-index for category pages with any extra parameters - Do not include hreflang in case of category pages with any extra parameters - SEO urls for tags (in Path manager > Search) - New option to select the customer group source for calculating [price] tag in case of special - New option to redirect orphan reviews (SEO Configuration > Main options) v3.7.2 - Fixed auto-fill meta description not working with some extended utf-8 languages - Fix [current] pattern using only first value - Better integration of journal blog into sitemap - Canonical with pagination is now optional - [price], [lowest_price], [highest_price] are now including tax - Remove duplicate options from Seo configuration > Main - Fix language image not displayed into sitemap options - Fix sitemap issue on multistore and with incorrect SSL configuration - Fix opencart issue of same url link of different type cannot be inserted v3.7.1 - Added option to add prefix of suffix on all meta titles - New option to generate related products only from same category - Fix sitemap not displayed correctly over https - Fix lastmod date not correct if a product does not have modified date - Added journal blog homepage to sitemap and changefreq handling - Added upgrade from Broken link manager - Fix issue when using language tag in full mode - Fix invalid tag in sitemap v3.7.0 - Great new sitemap - Option to redirect to SSL or www - Handle complex patterns with intricated language tags and random tags - Remove ':' chars from generated urls - Fix empty image when copy product - Add journal links to sitemap - Add canonical redirect of categories - Fix undefined dirname on image renaming - [price] is now displaying special price if exists - Google analytics verification code - Pagination for brands - Detect if redirection exists even with short notation v3.6.8 - Allow multiple random tags - New path manager option, last category url - Fix friendly pagination on index was not triggering not found - [category] and [parent_category] tags now always gets deepest category in case of multiple available v3.6.7 - Fix notice on auto image rename if image does not exists - Fix error "Can't use method return value in write context" in some PHP versions v3.6.6 - Fix permission issue on OC 2.3 - Fix notice on module option when single language v3.6.5 - Fix error with auto image renaming - Fix seo pagination on not rewritten urls - Added auto fill tags and related products - Fix common page urls with default language after adding new language v3.6.4 - Fixed issue to display values in seo editor on big data sets (50k+ products) v3.6.3 - Added easy upgrade function from other SEO modules (Paladin, SEO Pack Pro) - Added auto image rename on insert/update v3.6.2 - Fix mass update empty values with some languages - Removed identifier_exists in microdata as google is not supporting it anymore v3.6.1 - Improved microdata product identifier - Rewrite hardcoded journal theme menu links v3.6.0 - Pre-defined urls for common page in new languages: en, es, fr, pt, de, it, nl, no, se, ru, ko, jp, zh, my - Fix not found url from last update when using extension - Added price range tag for google microdata v3.5.9 - Fix notice on homepage - Improved redirect to canonical - Fix notice on prod/cat/info add v3.5.8 - Fix hreflang not displayed for products and categories - Fix microdata missing image - Fix error in sitemap - Do not redirect / to language tag when using language prefix v3.5.7 - Fix redirect on language change issue when short tag enabled - Fixed search in url 404 tab - Fix redirect canonical issue in combination with some modules - Hreflang x-default only on homepage v3.5.6 - Fix redirect dynamic links broken from last update v3.5.5 - Fix 404 url not added into manager - Fix hreflangs url - Fix canonical for pagination on OC 1.5 v3.5.4 - New organization of language tag in url settings - Fix multi-store prefix not redirected on default language - Fix too many redirect when sorting v3.5.3 - Last-Modified now updates on special price dates and available date - Fix too many redirect issues on OC 1.5 - Fix parse error on ocmod version - Improved design on OC 1.5 v3.5.2 - Meta robots on pagination pages = noindex, follow - Meta robots on search pages = noindex, nofollow - Canonical tag on pagination pages - Fix too many redirect issues - Fix OC pagination issue on v2.3 v3.5.1 - Rich snippet now display meta title instead of product name - More options for microdata - Remove trademark, copyright, registered symbols on url generate v3.5.0 - Feature: Not found url (404) manager - Feature: Meta robots - New mass update category tags [lowest_price] [highest_price] - Detect duplicate trailing slash in urls and remove it - Added canonical link to homepage - Added missing ending slash in hreflang tag - hreflang tag lang is now formatted as ISO 639-1 for better SEO integration - hreflang x-default on all pages - Fix duplicate keyword when editing manufacturer in SEO Editor - Fix bug with language prefix from recent update - Fix blank SEO editor in IE 11 and below - Fix lang prefix issue when having long format and using short tag - Hide multilingual selector in SEO Editor for non-mulitlingual values - Various minor fixes v3.4.1 - Fix warning if mbstring not enabled - Added facebook opengraph APP ID v3.4.0 - Auto update H1, H2, H3, image title and alt - Coloring now works also for store seo - Minor fixes and little design enhancements v3.3.6 - Quote in url is rewritten to dash - Use lowercase() if mbstring is not enabled - Fix error when using rich snippets on OC 2.3 - Coloring the fields when bypassing google limits for title and desc v3.3.5 - Fix undefined route on some systems - Fix issue with information/contact microdata - Fix multilingual sitemap v3.3.4 - Improved ASCCI transliteration - Fixed issues with short language flag v3.3.3 - Fixed canonical for category on OC 2.1 - Fixed empty value in url alias on OC 2.1 v3.3.2 - Absolute path can now be used for an extra top item v3.3.1 - Fix undefined HTTPS - Better ASCII transliteration - Separate sitemap for each language v3.3.0 - OC 2.3 compatibility - Minor bugfixes v3.2.2 - Fixed notice on $lang on OC 2.2 - Fixed issue on cron job with [price] tag on OC 2.2 - Changed the way SEO Reviews work for better implementation v3.2.1 - New feature: SEO Reviews v3.2.0 - Fixed [category] and [parent_category] tag on auto update - Fixed {en}..{/en} for auto-update - Fixed pagination page-{page} for 1st page on OC 2.2 - Fixed restore default friendly url on OC 2.2 - Fixed opengraph product image and price v3.1.9 - Better handling of canonical for categories - Fixed title not filled message when left blank and using auto-title - Fixed twitter card and google publisher switch - Fixed related products saving in seo editor - Fixed cron for ocmod and OC 2.2 v3.1.8 - Fix OC 2.2 SSL issue - Better microdata v3.1.7 - Fixed microdata search link v3.1.6 - Fixed session terminated error on mass update on some servers v3.1.5 - Strip < and > chars from urls - Fix error division by 0 when microdata reviews enabled - New tag for mass update [price] v3.1.4 - Big feature: set 301 redirection on all actual urls for further change - Extended google microdata support - Google microdata now in json+ld format - Fixed url display in mass update - Fixed url report displayed not relevant duplicates - Fixed meta_keyword not generated with some specific languages - A few style improvments v3.1.3 - Store H2 and H3 - Random values are displayed sequentially in item edition - Fixed empty link not working if banner link rewrite enabled v3.1.2 - Fix quick update in category and information - Fix error in seo package sitemap in some specific settings v3.1.1 - Fix error in admin prod edition on oc v2.1 - Fix loop when shortcode mode enabled and no full code v3.1.0 - Short language prefix in OC v2.2 - Feature: quick update in prod/cat/info edition - New tag for lang filter {en}..{/en} - Full handled H2 and H3 in prod/cat/info edition - Added image alt and title fields in product edition v3.0.4 - Better multilinguage handling v3.0.3 - Fix language change on OC v2.2 v3.0.2 - Fix message of install not complete from 3.0.1 - Fix message on front if multilingual mode v3.0.1 - Fix error on prod/cat/info edition in multilingual mode on OC v2.2 v3.0.0 - Trailing slash for category - [current] tag for mass update - Randomize tag for mass update {a|b|c} - Handling for H2 and H3 - Mass update for description v2.9.9 - Fixed keyword not displayed in editor sometimes - Fixed image filename editor error - Fixed issues on OC v2.2 - Encode special chars for descriptions and keywords v2.9.8 - Improved the mass updater - Mass updater can handle unlimited products - Fixed cache generator - Trim extra separator if empty tag - Fixed related product generator - Improved cron report section - Better compatibility v2.9.7 - Fixed 301 redirection not working when using & char - Fixed undefined method multilingual_seo::redirect() v2.9.6 - Fixed language flag not displayed in options on OC v2.2 - Fixed issue with rich snippets on OC v2.2 v2.9.5 - Compatibility with product quick edit - Fixed a few bugs on OC v2.2 v2.9.4 - Fixed cache error - Fixed 301 redirection with non-english languages - 301 redirection can be set without domain name v2.9.3 - Compatibility OC v2.2 - Fixed language change not working from last version - Fixed breadcrumbs for categories in direct mode - Added ocmod version v2.9.2 - Added Multi-store handling v2.9.1 - Fixed bug from last version url not displayed (save settings after this update) v2.9.0 - Fixed path manager with manufacturer - Only one xml file - Improved rich snippets (google publisher, twitter card nickname, opengraph on home and information) - Big changes in the structure on the module in order to make it more efficient and compatible - Easier install and update - Fixed cron script - Display cron log in module v2.8.4 - Better compatibility v2.8.3 - New option in path manager: manufacturer parent v2.8.2 - Fix canonical category and prev next links v2.8.1 - Fixed error if & char in sitemap v2.8.0 - New option to redirect dynmic links - Fixed cron buttons not updated on saving - Duplicate urls report in mass update v2.7.6 - Fixed special pages in case of multiple parameters - SEO friendly pagination - Banned cat works on category path too - Fixed some notices - Fixed banned categories issues - Better handling of absolute categories - Fixed cache errors v2.7.5 - Improved compatibility with multimerch - Fixed not found on friendly urls in some cases - New tag for mass update : parent category name v2.7.4 - Display of rows with language id=0 in default language in seo editor v2.7.3 - Fix: return and reorder urls v2.7.2 - Fix: Friendly urls on OC v2.0.1.0 and newer - Url clean up in mass update also cleans friendly urls v2.7.1 - Do not rename unchanged image - Fixed notice on query in seo_url.php v2.7 - 301 redirection manager v2.6 - new generators: seo h1, image name, image title, image alt - (2.6.1) Image in inline editor - (2.6.1) Fix generate cache from admin bug - (2.6.2) Rich snippet: opengraph and twitter card - (2.6.2) Better placement of module options - (2.6.3) Rich snippet: microdata - (2.6.4) Review in microdata - (2.6.4) little admin design changes - (2.6.5) fixed duplicate manufacturer on install - (2.6.5) fixed rich snippet enabling prefix mode - (2.6.5) include product image in seo package sitemap - (2.6.5) does not update image name if used by more than one product - (2.6.5) fullscreen display in v2 - (2.6.6) does not cut keyword in inline editor - (2.6.6) opengraph image problem with spaces - (2.6.6) opengraph price format issue v2.5 - related products for mass update - related product for inline updater - new features in path manager: breadcrumbs, categories - (2.5.1) remove search feature in path manager - (2.5.2) Better compatibility with other module - (2.5.2) Native compatibility with echothemes blogmanager - (2.5.3) better installation process for existing stores, keep all old keywords v2.4 - More powerfull friendly urls editor, rewrite any custom url in opencart - (2.4.1) hreflang tag - (2.4.2) sitemap - (2.4.3) fixed common/home rewriting - (2.4.3) fixed hreflang - (2.4.3) fixed search in inline editor - (2.4.4) fixed alert on module admin loading - (2.4.5) notice on route - (2.4.6) tabs not working on 2.x versions - (2.4.6) notice on keyword - (2.4.7) seo package sitemap error - (2.4.8) Compatibility with journal theme - (2.4.9) fix friendly urls on OC v2.0.1.1 - (2.4.10) fix store seo on OC v2.0 - (2.4.11) fix missing meta title on information pages for 1.5.x - (2.5.0) related products for mass update - (2.5.0) related product for inline updater - (2.5.0) new features in path manager: breadcrumbs, categories v2.3 - One version to rule them all! only one version that works on all opencarts! - Inline editor - New full product path functions - Tags - Authorised url chars - (2.3.1) Fixed inline editor for php 5.2 - (2.3.2) Fixed inline editor for some hosts - (2.3.3) error on OC 2.0 - (2.3.3) better compatibility with other modules - (2.3.3) little bug on OC 1.5.3 - (2.3.4) bug on php 5.2 - (2.3.5) Auto-edition of htaccess when enabling prefix mode - (2.3.5) Improved installation checks v2.2 - Opencart v2.0 version compatibility v2.1 - URL cache - ASCII mode for each language v2.0 - full rebuild of look and feel - advanced mass update functions - auto-fill for urls, seo titles, keywords and meta description - multi-store and multilanguages seo title, custom h1, meta keywords and description - (2.0.1) fix front fatal error on certain host - (2.0.2) improved compatibility with other modules - (2.0.2) fix notice on insert product - (2.0.3) fix ascii mode - (2.0.3) better russian ascii v1.3 - Custom titles for products/categories/informations - meta description and meta keywords for informations - (1.3d) fixed url for brands - (1.3e) rewrite common/home even if friendly urls is disabled - (1.3f) compatibility with last vqmod version - (1.3f) updated vqmod package to 2.4.1 - (1.3g) fixed bug of default keyword in some shops - (1.3h) clean up function - (1.3i) better compatibility - (1.3j) compatibility multi store text v1.2 - Compatibility with OC v1.5.5.x - Upgraded vqmod v2.3.0 - Upgrade seo module to v3.5 - Upgrade full product path module to v1.6b - (1.2c) SSL management fix v1.1b - Fixed warning on banners in some cases - Fixed incorrect write permission management - (1.1c)Fixed sitemap error v1.1 - Upgraded seo module to v3.4 - New function : Rewrite for banners - Fix auto title was not working - Added option to configure auto title and auto keywords - Added post-installation check-up v1.0 First release, based on modules : - Multilingual SEO and Tools v3.3 - Full product path v1.5 - Absolute categories v1.0 - Friendly urls v1.2